Client Context

A supplier of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) machines aimed to understand the purchasing strategies and preferences of potential Chinese customers. Conducting targeted telephone interviews with decision makers and influencers in relevant Chinese institutions, we provided the client with a detailed analysis of our findings.

Our Approach

To obtain comprehensive insights into potential Chinese customers' NMR purchasing strategies and preferences, we meticulously designed and executed a targeted approach. Our goal was to gather detailed information from key decision-makers and influencers in relevant institutions in China.

Through targeted surveys, we collected comprehensive data from potential customers, including questions about their current NMR machine usage, preferences for specific NMR machines, opinions on products from different companies, and factors influencing their NMR machine purchasing decisions.


Our in-depth customer-driven market research delivered a comprehensive report on customer purchasing preferences for nuclear magnetic resonance machines to our client. Leveraging our insights, our client tailored their product offerings and marketing strategies for different customer segments. Moreover, our data-driven insights empowered the client's sales and marketing teams to optimize messaging for better engagement and conversion.


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